Appendix 7- Audience Feedback and Data Analysis (AO3,AO4)

 The first question that I decided to ask was ‘Do you think my magazine name is suitable?’ – this question would give me an idea of if the magazine name ‘mashed’ would work and fit into the codes/ conventions of a regional magazine.
The feedback I gained from this question enabled me to understand fully if the name would target the audience and engage them towards the magazine. The feedback that I gained connotes that the magazine name will be extremely suitable and the connotations of the name ‘mashed’  are very good meaning that the readers can associate to the name.

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The second question that I asked was If so, why and any suggestions for the name?’- I gained no feedback from this question, therefore couldn’t go into further detail of if the name had the right connotations and is suitable for the regional magazine. However, from the first question it is clear that the name is appropriate for the regional magazine.

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The third question that I asked was ‘Do you think my sell lines are suitable for a regional magazine’ the response I gained from this question encouraged me to use the sell lines from my initial ideas. The sell lines that I will be using are:
-What’s on
-Food and Drink
the response I gained was yes, the sell lines are extremely suitable as the regional magazine is a listings magazine which has all the areas of interest that the readers have.

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The fourth question I asked ‘Do you think my chosen target audience is appropriate?’, the response I gained is that yes, the chosen target audience is appropriate. Therefore, this encourages me to target the audience of ‘60% Females and 40% of Males. No person said it was inappropriate which further encourages me to use this chosen target.
The chosen target audience will also help me to generate the advertisement of targeting the female audience. This question also helps me to figure out what images will be used and if the first glance helps to give knowledge to the audience of what genre the magazine is.

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The sixth question I asked was ‘If no, what would be appropriate?’ I gained no feedback from this question as they answered yes. This questions also encourages me to target the audience of 60% females as I can easily create a advertisement which will target the audience and encourage them to pick up the magazine.
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The seventh question I asked was ‘Do you like my branding/house style?’, the response I gained from this question was that 75% said that yes they do like my branding/house style. However, 25% said that no they do not like my branding/house style. Therefore, this encourages me to use the branding style of red and white color scheme.
However, knowing that someone doesn’t like the color scheme makes me reconsider whether the scheme will work or not. The color red connotes, boldness, courage and fearless strikes.
The chosen model follows all the conventions of a pop star, therefore I am challenging the stereotype as the artist should be vulnerable, however the color scheme suggests otherwise.

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The eighth question I asked was ‘ what branding/house style would you use’?- the response I gained was that the one person said ‘not sure very hard to chose’, ‘not sure’ and ‘I would use the same as it looks professional, and goes well with the theme’. From this response, the color red, white and yellow is suitable for my regional listings magazine as it target a range of readers which further helps to target the audience of 60% females and 40% males.

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The ninth question that I asked is ‘Is the headline story interesting enough?’- the feedback I gained from this question is that ‘yes, the headline story is extremely interesting and will grab the readers attention’, another response is that ‘yes it is interesting’ and the final response I gained is ‘yes, as it captures my attention’- this response encourages me to use the headline story of ‘exclusive interview’ which gives the magazine a selling point as no other magazine have the interview inside which also connotes that the interview is original and will target the audience of 60% females and 40% females. The headline story also helps to give the audience a place where they can reflect on stories and associate with them. This question also helps me to understand fully what the headline will be about.

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The final question that I asked was ‘Are the images appropriate for the magazine?’ the response that I gained from this questions is that ‘yes very! well done’, the second response that I gained is ‘Yes all the images are suitable as they are relevant to the subject and the final response is ‘yeah’.
The positive feedback encourages me to use the photography that I had taken. The model that I used will follow all the conventions of a pop star and will follow all the codes and conventions. The model is flawless with beautiful blonde hair and natural make-up which will also help to target the audience of 40% males and 60% females as the model is ideal self/partner( Carl Rodgers) and male gaze (Laura Mulvey). The positive response also encourages me to use the same artist for the inside Double Page Spread and maybe even on the contents page of the magazine. They also said that they liked the images of ‘food and drink’ and the fitness advertisement as it targeted the audience from the first glance of the magazine and helped the follow all the codes and conventions of a listings magazine. All the images are appropriate and will need little to no editing in Photoshop. There is also a variety of images which will be featured within the magazine.


Due to certain circumstances, I will be restarting my coursework individually rather than as a group. Therefore, I will be restarting my work and start creating a local magazine..
The brief:

The first four pages from an original regional magazine, together with two of the following three options
-A radio advertisement for the magazine
-two hyperlinked pages from the magazine’s website;
-a billboard advertisement for the magazine