Appendix 2- Researching the Conventions of Music Video/Short films (AO2, AO4)




Along with researching different code and conventions, I looked at existing short films so I could analyse what makes them grabs the readers attention and stand out from other films.

First video example:
APRICOT.(2009) Film. Directed by Ben Briand, Australia.
woman first comment
blury first comment
The film is largely interspersed between the present and past memories. This is shown as the woman acts as a voice-over when recalling the memory. Also, the memories are blurred shots, unclear.

3rddd shot
The use of background sound is used to give the story mystery, setting the scene. The music is heart warming to really connect to the audience’s level.
As the woman’s story develops further and becomes more detailed the music becomes louder, bringing the story to life and making it more intriguing.
The shots are mainly focused on the male she is sat across from even though she is the focused speaker. This makes the story interesting and something quite common I have noticed in other short films is that the shot we see is the reaction shot rather than the person telling the story.
close uppppp
There is a long silence and flicks between close-up shots of the woman then the man, and back to the woman which gives the audience time to work out that the boy she has been telling the story about was really the man sat in front of her all this time. Big realisation as we figure it out the exact same time she does which keeps the plot really interesting and grabs the audiences attention even more.
The title of the short film is ‘Apricot’ which is an extremely good name for the film because food is often a good trigger of memories and humans instinctively link food eaten to good memories. Apricot is linked to the plot because the man used to always eat apricots and as the woman tasted his coffee cup, she could probably taste apricot which would remind her of when he kissed her. The colour orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow which clearly connotes that the man who loved apricots also loved life and that the plot is about romance and how love is a beautiful thing. Apricot’s have a plum appearance but a hard shell in the middle which could connote that the woman is beautiful, young and attractive on the outer appearance (seen as subordinate) but the personality is strong, independent and intelligent.(Dominant)

Character- The two main characters are wearing smart working clothes, suit and shirt which clearly connotes they are of high importance within the story and are very busy independent people. The lighting helps to show that the present time is dark, whereas the past was more bright and vibrant maybe connoting because that childhood life is more enjoyable than adult life.

Second Video example:
Notte Sento-  by Daniele Napolitano


The film begins in darkness with just the diegetic sound of the train.
then a backing track kicks in to draw the audiences attention.

There is minimal dialogue but a range of camera shots and angles along with sudden diegetic sound (For example, car honking) which keeps the film active
Any conversation, dialogue or written notes is written on screen in subtitles which helps to incorporate the audience into the story.

The story is largely told through facial expressions and hand gestures which makes the way the story is told quite unusual; every tiny breath or reaction seems really focused.

Characters- There is a woman and a man.
Narrative- A girl misses her train to Milan and is set to wait overnight in Rome until dawn. However, a chance encounter with a guy changes her plans and the night lights of the capital turn into the background to a tender love story. An extraordinary chemistry made of knowing glances and small gestures fills the few instants that separate them both from the sunrise

Third short film example:
address is approximate from thetheoryuk by director Tom Jenkins


The film starts with close-ups of objects which builds interest about what the film is about.
There are lots of different camera shots which keeps the film enjoyable to watch. For example shallow focus shots that bring the object into focus from the background.

Characters- Toys
Narrative- : A lonely desk toy longs for escape from the dark confines of the office, so he takes a cross country road trip to the Pacific Coast in the only way he can — using a toy car and Google Maps Street View.

Fourth video example:

The use of high key lighting within the short film adds to the, commercial elements and humour. Whereas, the other elements of mise-en-scene are directly related to the plot of the story and how the story is played out to the audience. High-key light could definitely signify the humour within the short film because comedy is usually bright and enjoyable.

There are a range of different camera shots used within the short film which could relate to the director wanting to build a relationship between the characters and the audience and therefore using close up shots in order for the audience to feel closer towards the characters. The close-ups are also used to show important aspects of the film to help with telling the plot.
A range of movements have also been used to engage the progression of the film as the majority of the characters are running, therefore to have a static shot would be dull. The moving track shot makes the short film look more interesting.

Cross dissolve’s edits have been used to link specifically different scenes together with the same meaning and therefore the audience takes those ideas and apply into the next shot and therefore both the shots have a similar tone and meaning that wants to be created. However this can also change the diegesis time, therefore increasing the pace and rhythm which also adds another, call element of how quick this whole narrative has come around.

Sound: A voice-over has been used within the short film rather than digetic sounds. To use the diegetic sound the character has to be shown speaking for the audience to understand and relates to the characters, whereas the voice-over keeps the story moving while given the description and significance to the shops that being shown.

Fifth video example:

The mise-en-scene of the short film adds to the supernatural and alternative reality aspects due to the high-key lighting and and the modern clean kitchen, the realism of the piece if almost real but looks fake and therefore adds to the alternative aspect that the short film embraces. This is only 1 minute long with the only location being the kitchen and cuts the time needed to explain the new location which makes the narrative explained quicker.

Through the use of cheat cuts and continuity editing the pace of the short film is quick which is important as the director fits the whole story into a single minute and therefore through the simple camera shots, the story can be kept simple and pace quick.

There were only ambient sounds used within the short film because dialogue is too long and stops the story from moving on quicker and with this short film moving the story forward is the most important aspect for keeping its consistency throughout the minute time frame.

Codes and conventions of horror:


It is conventional for a horror to be set in the home of a protagonist. Other venues vary, depending on the narrative that is, but the horror is mainly set where the characters live. So, this could be where they live, their workplace , in their car etc. but mainly at their house. A presence from the supernatural isn’t easily accepted by a human, and it is something you can not fight or escape from, this is what makes the sub genre so intriguing and terrifying.
Horrors are set in peoples houses because that is the place they feel most safe, so if someone/something that is unfriendly/unwanted  enters their house without warning they feel like they have no personal space and no longer feel safe within the house.

Other conventional locations of a horror includes woods, forests etc

The main characters appear to be ‘normal’ people , who live their lifes normally. Conventionally female, they are harmless, innocent and caring.
The main characters are usually troubled by something in their past , which leads other characters to think that they are mentally unstable once they speak of supernatural interactions.
Usually the first impression of the audience on the paranormal is negative , however as the story progresses, the audience come to realise that the spirit is there for a reason and not just t torments the innocent character. Usually the spirit is there to help the character to reveal a mystery.

What is a music video?(AO4)

Why does music even exist?
-To entertain the audience
-Promotion, band/song
-Promote the artist image/persona
-Lady gaga/Miley cyrus/Michael jackson
-Influential- ideal self/ideal partner
-Products in themselves- to be sold

Why do music video exist?
Roy Shuker(2001) Understanding Popular music defines music videos as:
-Both an industrial, commercial(to make money) product and cultural form.
-Made to be sold and enjoyed-art form

Definition: industry

Therefore music videos exist as an industrial and commercial product:
1. To make money
3.Provide content for Tv music channels
5. Add value to audio release, adding, music video on CD- special release
6. To enhance ‘star posona’ branding

1.Commonly they are usually about 3 minutes long
2. Function in th eindustry own terms:
‘Promotional device’ encouraging record sales and chart action (Shuker 2001)

Star Persona- Richard Dyer(1975)
-Help define the image of an artist and contribute to their fear persona
For example: Madonna, Michael jackson, Lady Gaga