Creating the contents page

;contents 1st
I have taken ideas from other magazines and created the layout of my contents page by specifically measuring the original official magazine of ‘Top Of the Pops’ in order for my magazine to look professional. I created the contents page using In design as it is simplistic and easy to layout the pages using the text tool and the rectangle frame tool if I’m wanting to add images onto my document. I decided after layering the contents page that the next step would be to add few contents to see if the layout would work, from this I have decided it would be best layout.
contents 2nd<
The next step I did was add the contents icon which tells the readers that the page is about and I created this by using the rectangle tool and using the colour white then adding a drop shadow onto the rectangle in order for it to ‘pop out’ and grab the reader’s attention. I placed it at the top as most original pages have it at the top.
contents 4th
From original Pop magazine, I decided to add a box about the writers.
first 1
After looking through numerous Pop magazines, I decided to scrap the previous layout and decided to start a new one. I decided to start by adding a rectangle box and added the stereotypical colour ‘pink’ to the contents page.
second 2
I then decided to add the contents page masthead and changed the font to Segoe Script then changed the size to 53pt to fit the pink rectangle box perfectly. I then rotated the text to 1.5 degrees to make it more appealing and unique to the majority of Pop magazine contents pages.
third 3
After creating the masthead, I decided it was best to add boxes using the rectangle tool then added a drop shadow in effects to make the boxes more focused. Once the boxes have been laid out, it would make it easier for me to add the contents text.
fourth 4
I then added same coloured boxes for the sub-headings. The white text would contrast well with the pink box.
fifth 5
I then decided to add all the sub-headings.
sixthh 6
Next step was deciding on all the contents that would be within the mainstream magazine. Once decided, I made the columns perfectly in-line and changed the colour of the page numbers the same colour pink.
seventh 7
I then decided to change the text size and use the leading tool place it to 17pt to make the layout easier to read.
number 8
I then decided to add a rectangle frame tool and print screened and cropped the front cover magazine then placed in the rectangular box.
number 9
I then placed the image within the box by using the ‘place’ option and then used the fitting tool in order for the image to fit the page perfectly.
tenth 10
Looking carefully at the page numbers and the contents, I decided to place the number pages to what is featured on the front of the magazine.
This is the final completed contents page and I compared them to other Pop magazines

Lesson Objective (AO3)

In today’s lesson:
– I will be finishing the double Page spread by changing the fonts/colours to make it ideal to the target audience.   
– I will be adding cutting out images in Photo shop and add onto the Contents page and making the layout look professional.
– I will be making all the fonts same size and making sure that they are in line to look professional.  
-I will be

Creating the Double page spread (AO3)

layout of the mag (DP)
The first step I did to create my Double Page Spread was research many different Pop magazines that would help me create the layout for my own magazine. The image shows the layout that I found most appealing and would suit best for my interview. What I had to do was measure the layout accordingly and precisely to the one I looked at in order for my own to look professional.
added image
I then decided it was best to add the most suitable image for the Double Page spread which would take up quarter of page. The final main DPS image I decided to use was from the original photography that I took with the SLR camera. It was important that I used the same model as the one on the front cover as the interview is about the main star on the front. I asked my model to wear a dress as it is stereotypically feminine which will target the audience of females. I also asked the model to wear something not too glam as the interview is about her personal life and where she was brought up before her fame which will make the readers take her serious and may also even relate to her. The costume also shows that she is just an ordinary person. I will change the image size and maybe even Photoshop the background out.
creating the masthead background
After I decided what Image to use for the DPS, I then decided to create the Masthead background which will make the Masthead dominate the page and tell the readers what the article is about.
I created the background in Photoshop where I used the rounded rectangle tool to create the base. I used the exact colour as the front cover masthead as that is the main colour scheme for the magazine. 2nd
After I created the base, I added a layer using the rectangle tool and used the paint bucket to fill the colour black which I then put the layer behind the base to create the outline black effect.
I then used the custom shape tool and picked the arrow shape which I then placed onto the Photoshop document then used free transform tool to rotate the arrow then placed behind all the layers to create the effect of a speech bubble- this is important in order for the masthead to relate to the interview.
final masthead background
After creating the base, I then added ‘Popstar secrets’ which would be placed above the masthead. The image is of the completed base.
added masthead to the page
I then decided it was best to place the Masthead base onto the Double Page spread to see what it would look like, as a result it fits perfectly on the page, however I may make changes and create the Masthead in Photoshop rather than In design.
DPS image
I decided to focus on editing the main DPS image in Photoshop as the background wall did not suit the image on the DPS.
used lasso tool to delete the background
I decided the best program to use was Photoshop as it has all the tools and easy to use. The first step I took was to open the image from my desktop onto Photoshop where I then used magnetic lasso tool to cut perfectly around the image of my model, after I cut the model perfectly, I then clicked ‘select’ then ‘Inverse’ which would inverse the image to the background which I then deleted and left me with just the model, simple. I also used the eraser tool to make the model smooth around the edges.
adding image onto In design
After I cut the image out in Photoshop, I then needed to drag the image onto my In design document where I then further changed the size to fit the page perfectly.
changed masthead
I am reconsidering using the masthead background and instead using a quote from the interview as the masthead which will be in bold and colours changed.
added contents for the interview
Next step I did was write up the interview using the type tool, I changed the size to 12 and wrote the whole pop star interview. I will now need to change the layout of the content and change the font/ colour in order to appeal to the female audience.
I’ve changed the interview contents font to same all way through the magazine ‘Century Gothic’ I also decided to add a pull quote next to the image of my model.
changed pull quote
I changed the pull quote font and made the speech marks bigger/bolder to engage the readers what is in the interview at first sight.
Capture 3rd
After adding the pull quote, I decided to make the double page spread look more appealing to the target audience by adding more colours.
capture 4th
I then decided to make the pull quote for the image more appealing and changed the fonts/colours.
capture 5th
capture 6th
The final.
first 1
After looking through more Pop magazines and focusing on the colour scheme, I noticed that my double page spread so far looked plain and no colour to appeal to the audience and attract their attention, so I decided to use a colour that would attract the readers as soon as they turned the page. I achieved this by double clicking the swatches and deciding upon the best colour possible and decided to use the colour hat had 65% cyan and 22% magenta to create the bright blue.
second 2
I then decided to add the original image back onto the double page spread but instead having it placed on the right, I decided to use the flip horizontal tool to flip the image so I could place it on the left as I noticed it would attract readers straight to the image and they would know it is an interview about Sophie as originally shown on front cover.
third 3
After focusing on the background, I decided to place two lines of colour to make it look more interesting and I thought of many ideas, such as adding text onto the top white line.
I created the lines using the rectangle tool and have both the lines the same width/height and place them at a 1.75 degree angle using the rotation angle button.
sixth 6
I then decided it was best to add the title and achieved this by using a pull quote from the interview that I had written on notes but not yet typed up. I knew that it was important that both the columns lined up and that the title was bold/ bright and colourful.
seventh 7
Next step was to actually write-up the interview, after doing so I decided to use the rectangle tool and place white coloured box behind the text in order to place importance on the interview and this would make the readers focus on Sophie’s interview and hopefully read her interview.
eight  8
I then decided it would be best to add a sub-heading above the interview which would give an inside into what Sophie is like and used the text tool to achieve this.
ninth 9
Above is what I have achieved so far and I am not too keen on the whole layout so I may change many things, such as the coloured boxes behind the tent, instead I may just use text on the background.
tenth 10 flipped image
I thought maybe using the flip tools and rotating many things would make the double page spread look more attractive but I decided it was best to keep to the original layout having the image on the left and the interview on the right.
This is when I deleted the background boxes to see if it would look better.
1st image changed
I decided to focus on the layout of the text and make sure all the columns were in line to look professional and neat, I then added the page number by looking on the contents page to make sure the correct number was with the right article.
I changed the whole fonts to be the same size of 10.7 and the font ‘Century Gothic’.
2nd changed
I decided to focus on the sub-heading and change the colours/fonts and achieved this.
3rd changed
I also decided to add text onto the white line as I originally planned.
4th changed
After looking from afar at my double page spread, It was clear that I needed to add more onto the left page and thought I would add a competition as many magazines have them featured on double page spread. So, I decided to add the box same colour as the other pinks used and use the rectangle tool to achieve it.
5th change
I then added the text for the competition telling the readers what the competition is about and how to enter. The competition also related to Sophie as you could win her signed make-up bag which is why I placed it beside the image.
This is the finished competition box and made it clear that the readers could ‘win!’ Sophie’s make-up bag.
finaalll image boom
After looking at the double page spread multiple times and finding small details to change to make it look more professional, I decided it was best to say that I had finished the two pages after all the effort.

Creating the front cover (AO3)

a href=””&gt;1st
In order to create the magazine front cover I had to take a variety of photography that would be suitable for the front page in which I could mould into a professional looking magazine by adding brightly coloured contents and icons that would best suit the Pop genre. The first step I did was decide what photograph out of the other possible choices would be best suited for my Pop magazine, the image I decided to open in Photoshop and edit was the one of my model ‘Emma’ who I advised to face directly at the camera(direct mode of address) in order to engage the readers and form them to read her double page interview and make a connection with the artist. Also from the call sheet, I decided for Emma to wear natural looking make-up and clean white costume which would make her look flawless and have her hair long which is extremely feminine which targets the audience at first sight of the magazine. Having a natural beautiful girl featured on the front will also attract males because they see her as an ideal partner and this will also attract the 20% of males readers. Also, the 80% of females will inspire to be like her.

2nd- added layer and changed to colur white and used opacity to create effect 

After deciding upon the magazine Image, I then used Photoshop to make the model leap out and further occupy the readers to buy the magazine. What I did in Photoshop was add a new layer, changed the layer to the colour white using the paint bucket tool then changed the opacity to 19%- this would create an effect which makes the magazine look somewhat ‘magical and fairytale ‘ which also clearly shows target audience is aimed at females aged 16-24 years old as females are more than likely going to watch fairytale films and females love to plan their fairytale like wedding. The next step I did was leave the image of my model behind the white layer then use the eraser tool to erase the white layer(placed above) but only over my model which would leave the model distinct and the background still with the effect.

3rd added banners using shape tool and changed colour
Once I organized how my main front cover image would appear, I decided that I would need to start positioning the banners as it was a genuinely easy task and saved me time. I created the banners by using the rectangle tool and starting with the top banner, I would spread it out across the page (no more than 1cm height), I then needed a colour for the banner that would both target the audience and be appealing, so I decided to use the colour #eb3071. I saved time creating my second banner(placed bottom) as I duplicated the layer and moved it to fit at the bottom of the page, I then used the eyedropper tool to swatch exact same colour as the first banner which would be my main colour scheme as many magazine usually have one main colour. I decided to use opacity 69% for the bottom layer to make it look diverse.
4th added masthead which was originally black then used bucket to change to bright pink
After adding the banners, I decided it was best to start assembling the masthead as it is the first object that is highly noticeable and is the main identity of my magazine. My masthead ‘Poplicious’ clearly connotes that the contents of the magazine are juicy and brand new! As it is crossed between Pop and delicious it shows it is to everyone’s taste.
I created my Masthead by drawing it on paper which I then scanned onto the computer. After I scanned, I placed the masthead draft onto Photoshop which I then used the paint bucket tool to change the colour to a unique colour (#f90964) which would be clear to the readers and easily noticed from afar.
5th added drop shadow effect
After I chose the final colour of the masthead, I adjusted the size in which I hoped would make the masthead dominate more, however it did not work, so I needed to change the effects of the masthead and found that drop shadow made it excel on the page and juxtaposed well with the image.
6th- added outer glow on masthead
Once I changed the masthead effect to gain drop shadow, I decided it was best to give the masthead an outer glow which would make it stand out even more on the page and match perfectly with the main image.
7th- added the banner '
Once I was fully content with the masthead and where it was placed, I decided that It was best to include the strap-line onto the banner and decided the strap-line would be ‘The sweetest thing you will ever read”- this is extremely suitable for the target audience and bonds well with the connotations of a lollipop and juicy contents. I used the Horizontal type tool and used Century Gothic font, Bold and size 29 which would best suit the front cover. I changed the font from regular to bold from the feedback the tutor gave me and helped me progress.
8th capture- exclusive interview
After adding the strap-line, I finally decided what my double page spread article would be about and judged that an interview would be the best option. Therefore, I added above the main cover line ‘Exclusive Interview’ which would engage the readers to buy the magazine knowing the interview is original and can be found only within the magazine. I added rectangle tool and changed the colour purple and placed the layer behind which would make it appeal even more. I placed the ‘exclusive interview’ nearer to the model who the interview is for- this shows the readers that the superstar is the main focus point of the front cover and magazine contents. I may place the cover-line further down the page so that the model is focused more than the contents.
9th- added name which will be double page spread
After that, I decided it was best to place the main cover line onto the front cover page. The cover line I decided to add was originally going to be called ‘Emma.B’. However, I gained feedback from the tutor and decided the name would be ‘Sophie’ as it is very pretty and unique artists name which will target the audience of females. I was advised not to use the name Emma.B as there is already a known artist from the Spice girls called that and I didn’t want my readers to be confused. I created the main cover line by using horizontal type tool, Century Gothic font(same as other contents), Bold, 120 size and colour #ed1b35.
9th- females hate me
After adding the main cover line, I decided to add the pull quote “Females hate me because I am successful” below the main cover line ‘Sophie’- this was achieved by taking the quote from the interview featured on double page spread I had created. The pull quote will engage the readers into wanting to find out who hates her as every female wants the inside scoop. I decided to have the cover-line name to behind the pull quote to show the artists is more important.
10th added background colour
I added a background colour for the pull quote in order for  ‘Females hate me because I’m successful’ to stand out on the page and easier for the readers to understand. I had taken this pull-quote from the double page spread contents in order for the audience to get a quick insight into what will feature in the magazine.
 the final magazineeee so far
This is what the magazine looks like so far, I will be making many changes especially on the cover-line because many other magazines, such as ‘Top of the pops’ have cover-lines that have a background colour and bright coloured text, knowing this I changed the text to the colour yellow and changed the shape box to the colour pink which also fits perfectly with the colour scheme and follows the codes and conventions of original Pop music magazines. I needed to add more contents and decided to add the contents on the left side of the page where there is space available. I looked at many other Pop magazines to gain more ideas for my magazine and then added more text on the bottom banner.
changed the main cover
I have changed many things from the previous screen grabs. I decided that it would be best to have all the contents bold and in capital letters as this would make the front page have a competitive advantage as it would stand out more on the shelf. I also changed the colour of the main cover line to be exact same colour as the Masthead using the eyedropper tool which will keep to the colour scheme simple making it look overall better as many different magazines have set colour schemes of no more than 4 colours.
cover image
I am considering whether to have the main cover line slanted to give it an original look on the front cover or make it a standard straight line making it look more conventional. I still kept the distance of the coverline the same.
I am still considering the layout of the front cover main cover-line and whether to slant the text. I am also considering the effects used on the masthead. I will still need to add more cover lines/pull lines. After looking at other pop musica magazine, It became evident that the magazine is full of contents and images.
After looking at many different Pop music magazines, it is clear to see that majority of those magazines have a plain white background instead of an image, therefore I decided to experiment whether my music magazine would look best with a plain background rather than have the background image which doesnt look too professional or follow the conventions of Pop music magazines. So, what I did was hide all the pull quotes, banners and contents on the front cover in order to focus on the background image. What I did was use the lasso tool and change the ‘feather’ to 12pt in order to create the curve effect.
This image shows what it looks like after I have fully cut out the background and placed a white background using rectangle tool to see if it would be improved.
I am still considering whether the front page would look better with a white background and add more contents. I added the contents in which I would still need to line-up using the ruler tool. I am still considering whether to in-line the cover-line or for the contents to be placed around the model.
I’m still experimenting and considering whether the masthead works well with the image.
I have used the website ‘’ to gain ideas for the original masthead and used the fonts in photoshop as it was easier to change and decided what best worked on the page and make the magazine look professional as a whole. Once I found a girly font on ‘’ I would place it in Photoshop and change the colour from black to pink as that is the main colour scheme and compare other fonts to see which one looks the best.
added more contents
I’ve decided to keep the masthead but add vibrant effect. I have added most the contents that I want on the front page and just needed to change the colours/layouts in order for it to look amazing.
number 1<
I decided that my current front cover magazine wasn’t looking good enough and decided to start again by using the photograph I had taken with the slr camera and used previously but cropped out the background to have similar background to other Pop magazines, such as ‘Top Of the Pops’ and ‘We love pop’ which I had pastiched. I also decided to challenge other Pop magazines and use the colour scheme red which would stand out from other existing magazines on the shelves. I decided by experimenting using the shape tool I could create a unique masthead that is not seen on any other pop magazine to give it an USP.
number 2
I decided to re-create the masthead by adding the text using the text tool onto the circular shape tool. I pastiched the idea of having white text juxtaposed to a pink/red background from many existing Pop magazines. 

 number 3
I then added the banner which I placed at the top of the page like other pop magazines, the banner states ‘Bieber fever strikes again’ but is it a bold font coloured pink upon a red background.

number 4   
Joined onto the masthead is the bright pink rectangular shape which is behind the circular shape  
The colour scheme of pink, white and purple is very popular in the Pop music magazine industry, therefore I gained ideas and pastiched the colour scheme because the colour pink is extremely steareotypical of the female gender and age which target the audience at first sight of the magazine. If you rotated the full magazine page then the masthead would represent a lollipop and which would link well with the scheme of the connotations of the masthead having juicy contents.

number 5
I pastiched the advertisement by creating a background for the advertisements to be placed upon. I created this similar to my Double page spread masthead background in Photoshop and used the bucket tool to fill the background yellow because the colour stands on the shelf and makes the advertisements more appealing on the front page. I decided that it was best to use a bright colour which would connote that the contents within the magazine would be bold and original. I also pastiched the idea of featuring advertisements on the front from other pop magazines because advertisements clearly target the audience.
The advertisement is placed nicely and accurately on the top right page which helps to make it look professional and follows the codes and coventions needed to attract the right audience.         

number 6
I then decided to add text onto the bright yellow shape which stated ‘Star beauty’ similar to the banner, this fits pefectly well with the colour of the shape because stars are yellow and the black font looks appealing and stands out on the front cover page.

number 7
I then added the 3 images that I had taken with the Slr camera and placed them accordingly to fit within the yellow shaped box. I figured that I needed more text in bold san seriff font in order to attract the audience at first sight of the Pop music magazine. I gained ideas on how to place the images and contents of the advertisements and pastiched from the ‘Top of the pops’ magazine which would help me to make the magazine look professional aswell as appealing. The advertisements targets the 42% ABC1’s as they have money to spend on luxury items, such as make-up and are stereotypically glamorous and love the finer things in life

number 8
I then decided to add the advertisements onto the bright yellow background and add the original images that would target the audience of females. Females love make-up and deals so this would be ideal to add on the front cover in order to attract attention and having the colour black juxtaposed to the bright yellow background which I pastiched from many other pop magazines would make the magazine look attractive and further help to give the magazine a competitive advantage. I also added ‘Star Beauty’ onto the yellow rectangular shape which is in san seriff font and in capitals to also help catch the readers attention. I then also decided to add the ‘From just £1’ which would also target the females as               

number 9

After adding the advertisements onto the front cover, I decided to screen grab the progress I had made so far and to see what else would be added on the front cover from original magazines, such as Top of the pops, we love pop and Smash-hits magazines. I had pastiched the star from the magazine ‘Star’ and decided to add it in the bottom left corner but change the colour of the original pink star to the colour yellow which would link perfectly with the ‘5 star looks’ and with the colour scheme used on the other advertisement which is featured on the front page. The colour yellow connotes stardome, fame and summer- this clearly connote that the magazine is popular and all the stars are famous further targetting the mainstream audience and the magazine is a summer edition so it also links well with the colour.
number 10
I decided that the page needed something extra on the page similar to other Pop magazines, therefore I decided to pastiche the idea of having a star on the bottom left corner of the front page.

number 11

After pastiching the star from the ‘star’ pop magazine, I decided it was best to place the ‘5 star looks’ images which  had taken with the slr camera. I decided to find out the latest fashion and trends to be placed upon the magazine because this would target the subculture of ‘pop kids’ because they are xtremely trendy and stylish.

number 12

I decided to add the bar code on the bottom right page and take a screen shot of the progression I had made so far on the front cover to see what other codes and conventions I could add. I may add more images on the front which I had taken with the slr camera. number 13

I decided that I needed more contents on my front cover page as many other pop magazines have a page full of contents and images, therefore I pastiched the idea of having a magazine full of cover-lines and images. I added images that I had taken from the photoshoot and placed them beside the cover lines. I also decided to add a rectangular box in the background and the image in the foreground which would make the image stand upon the page and I also lined up all the images/text to make the page look professional.      
number 14

After adding the two images which I had taken with the slr camera, I decided to add the contents on the page and pastiched the idea of having confessions which would also help to engage the target audience because tennagers can relate as they are known to have     
number 15
I added the banner ‘bieber fever strikes again’ on the top right of the page because I pastiched this from other original pop music magazines.

number 16
This is the final page without the background image, I am still considering whether to have the background within the image or to crop it out and use the lasso tool to carefully delete the background image to make the magazine look professional as a whole and thinking about adding contents that would further the target audience of 16-24 year olds.   Capture
This is the final. Having the background cropped out didn’t look ideal, therefore I changed the image back to its original state and put a rectangular shape (colour white) over the original Pop magazine and used the opaque tool to give it a ‘fairytale’ like finish for the background. I made the image look more focused by using the rubber tool to rub out the opaque areas that I did not need that I wanted the audience to focus on. The image is the focus point as it targets the audience and will grab into wanting to buy because the star is someome the readers would want to inspire to be like and may buy the magazine in order to find out how to be like her. Before the final magazine front cover, I decided to move around a variety of contents and images to see if the magazine would best look how it does so far.

Lesson Objective and Review (AO3)

In today’s lesson, I will create a screen grab of the current progress I have made on my magazine front cover, contents and double page spread.
I will be adding more contents onto the double page spread and checking for any possible mistakes that have occured.
By the end of the lesson, I will be creating more screen grabs which will show how much I have progressed within this lesson.

In today’s lesson I completed the objective by screen grabbing(using snipping tool) what progression I had made on my front cover page and analysed how I completed the tasks in Photoshop. However, I did not have time to add more contents onto the contents or double page spread as the main priority was showing my progression on the front cover as that is what grabs the readers attention. Readers will not be interested with the contents if the front cover does not look amazing, therefore I prioritised.

Objective and Review (AO3)

In todays lesson, I will be uploading the photographs that I have taken with the slr camera and add the Call sheet which helped me decide on how the images should look.
Once I have uploaded the images, I am hoping to add more contents onto the contents page and gain ideas from original Pop magazines in which will make mine look more professional and make it look higher class. I will add onto the blog what I have changed by adding images that I have taken with the clipping tool

In today’s lesson, I achieved the objective by uploading the photography onto my desktop then created a contact sheet to place onto blog in order for the images to look more presentable and accommodating.
I also added the call sheet onto the blog. However,I still need to add more contents onto the contents and double page spread, therefore I need to prioritise otherwise it will not be completed in time.