Movie Maker Task (AO3)

Things I have learnt this lesson:

1. How to add a title page in Movie Maker

2. How to change the length of each clip in order for the video to be at a suitable length of time

3. How to Clip an image and save then adding it into Movie maker


Key Terms(AO1)

Denotation An object or idea- initial meaning.

Connotation- What it stands for- secondary meaning.

Serif FontFonts like Times New Roman, Or Baskeville Old Face, which have little bars (serifs) on the end of the letters
 Sans Serif font Fonts like the impact Or Agency FB, which do not have little bars (serifs) on the end of the letter.

Convention- Reacurring feature in a media text
Drop Capitals– Really big letter, which start off an article
Cross Head
Small sub-heading used to split up a large block of text
 White parts of the page other than text or pictures

Intertextuality– Text within a text









Assessment Objectives (AO3)

1. Assess your ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills(AO3)
2.Assess you application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating your own work, showing how meanings and responses are created(AO2)
3. Assess your ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research(AO4)